Why Quarto?

As described in the quarto documentation: Quarto is a new, open-source, scientific, and technical publishing system. It is a multi-language, next generation version of R Markdown from RStudio, with many new features and capabilities. Like R Markdown, Quarto uses Knitr to execute R code, and is therefore able to render most existing Rmd files without modification.

Data scientists are pretty excited about the introduction of Quarto, and since it represents the future of R Markdown, we will conduct SDS 264 using Quarto. Intriguing Quarto features that have been cited include:

From Posit and the developers of Rstudio and Quarto https://charlotte.quarto.pub/cascadia/, Quarto (compared to RMarkdown):

In other words, Quarto unifies and extends R Markdown:

Here’s a cool example from the Quarto documentation, showing features like cross-referencing of figures, chunk options using the hash-pipe format, collapsed code, and easy figure legends:

Air Quality

Figure 1 further explores the impact of temperature on ozone level.


ggplot(airquality, aes(Temp, Ozone)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method = "loess")
Figure 1: Temperature and ozone level.